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Albany Berkeley Soccer Club  >   Soccer Moms on the Field  >   Misc Age Group Info

Soccer Moms on the Field
Hi ABSC Soccer moms,

As a service to our soccer parents, we have Sundays from 3-5 pm open for the mothers and their friends to learn and play the game.

If you have played and want to get back into it without the high stress, this is for you.
If you have not played and would like to learn what to do, this is a great opportunity, so you have the same experience as your child.

This program is designed to be fun and helpful in participating with your child at play.

After 3 weeks you will know the laws of the game, understand the technical side of the game and how to keep you and your child healthy.

Time- 3:00-5:00 pm
Field- Gilman East Grass
Day- Sundays (May 5-19)

Trainer - Toney Wright

I would encourage you to sign up so we have an idea of how many to expect, but no one will be turned away if you just drop in for a game.

Toney Wright
Executive Director